csvutils (inspect and manipulate CSV data)
csvutils is a set of command-line utilities that use libcsv to access
comma (or actually, any delimiter) separated data files. Included
csvcount - print the number of fields and rows in CSV files.
csvcheck - determine the validity of CSV data.
csvfix - convert malformed CSV data into well formed data, and convert
to CSV data with different quotes and/or delimiters.
csvgrep - search specific fields of CSV data for a pattern.
csvcut - output only the specified fields of a CSV file.
csvbreak - break a file into multiple pieces based on the value of the
specified field.
Each utility has a man page.
This requires: libcsv
Download SlackBuild:
csvutils.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)
(the SlackBuild does not include the source)
Individual Files: |
csvcheck_exit_status.diff |
csvutils.SlackBuild |
csvutils.info |
fix_i_option.diff |
git2tarxz.sh |
slack-desc |
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